Forty-seven Citizenship Ceremonies Taking Place Across Canada

Jun 25, 2014 | Press Room

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Find a Canada Day citizenship ceremony near you

June 25, 2014 — Ottawa — Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander announced that with the help of a new online interactive map, individuals across Canada will be able to find a citizenship ceremony being held on Canada Day in their area.

This year, Canada will welcome new citizens at 47 Canada Day citizenship ceremonies across the country. Canada Day is an opportunity to reflect on the many freedoms, rights and responsibilities that we share, and is also an ideal time for all Canadians to reaffirm their citizenship as a sign of pride in being Canadians. Canadians are also encouraged to use social media to share with us how they plan to celebrate their Canadian identity, including using the Twitter hashtag #CanadaProud.

The interactive map is one of a growing suite of online Web tools available on Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s website. These new tools are part of the government’s ongoing effort to create a more responsive, user-friendly and efficient citizenship process.

Quick facts

  • Since 2006, Canada has enjoyed the highest sustained levels of immigration in Canadian history¾an average of a quarter million newcomers each year.
  • Canada has one of the highest rates of naturalization in the world: over 85 percent of eligible permanent residents become citizens.
  • Since 2006, Canada has welcomed more than 1.3 million new Canadians.
  • So far in 2014, approximately 122,000 new citizens have joined the Canadian family.


“Our government is proud to welcome more new citizens to the Canadian family. Citizenship comes with rights, responsibilities and a commitment to Canadian values and traditions. On Canada Day, our government encourages all Canadians to celebrate the great opportunities and privileges that come with being Canadian.”

Chris Alexander, Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister