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Priority Immigration Processing Continues With Expression of Interest Model

by | Feb 19, 2025

To ensure the best use of the province’s limited economic immigration capacity, the Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Nominee Program (NLPNP) and Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) have moved to an expression of interest model.

An expression of interest model uses a two-step process requiring individuals to first submit a short form identifying key characteristics, such as their occupation, education, language and willingness to reside in the province. These forms will then be reviewed and select individuals will then be invited to complete a full NLPNP or AIP application. This change ensures immigration spaces are allocated strategically throughout the year, while helping employers respond to evolving labour market needs in sectors such as health care and education.

Applications submitted prior to the transition to this new model will remain valid in the Provincial Government’s Immigration Accelerator platform. All individuals with an active application submitted to the department will be contacted regarding their next steps. Some individuals will move directly to application process, while others will be prompted to submit an expression of interest. The determination on those who will bypass the expression of interest step will be made based on a case-by-case assessment of their application alongside the same criteria that will be used for expression of interest assessments.

Due to this change, decisions on applications may now take three months or more in some cases. The commitment to excellent customer service remains and applications will continue to be processed as efficiently as possible. Questions about this change can be directed to

Historically, the Provincial Government processed immigration applications on a first-come, first-serve basis. This changed in late 2024 when historic demand and limited economic immigration spaces resulted in a shift to priority processing. Implementing an expression of interest model further builds on the shift to priority processing with a model widely used across Canada.

In January 2025, the Provincial Government also announced a pause on the processing of Job Vacancy Assessments and AIP Designations for employers. This pause continues, and further updates will be made in the coming weeks.

After successfully negotiating the return of 1,000 economic immigration spaces from the Federal Government, Newfoundland and Labrador currently has 2,525 spaces for 2025. This capacity remains well below demand and the Provincial Government continues to advocate for further increases to economic immigration spaces to support provincial economic and population growth.
