Public Policy Forum: The People Imperative

Mar 23, 2018 | Press Room

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The People Imperative: Strategies to Grow Population and Prosperity in Atlantic Canada

The People Imperative consists of two reports released to mark the first of PPF’s three-year project to support the Atlantic Growth Strategy.

Volume 1 is the research story, summarizing literature and research from academics, local organizations, think tanks and governments and focuses on:

What attracts immigrants to Atlantic Canada?
What causes immigrants to leave the region? What entices them to stay?
What can Atlantic Canada learn from other jurisdictions?






Volume 2 is the human story, reported and written by award-winning journalist and Associate Professor of Journalism at University of King’s College, Kelly Toughill. She travelled throughout Atlantic Canada to talk to people who are not just statistics in a demographic shift, but who are living its effects.




Visit the Public Policy Forum for full program details and descriptions.