Jul 18, 2014 | Press Room
Representatives from the film and TV industry say Immigration Minister Chris Alexander has given them his personal assurance that new rules for temporary foreign workers won’t discourage foreign actors and directors from doing business in Canada. As CBC News...
May 22, 2014 | Press Room
Atlantic Provinces Economic Council report shows growth concentrated in lower-skill occupations The number of temporary foreign workers in Atlantic Canada has more than tripled since 2005, with all four provinces seeing gains greater than the national increase of 140...
May 15, 2014 | Press Room
Employment Minister Jason Kenney gave a spirited defence of the temporary foreign worker program Wednesday during an impromptu speech to a business audience. Most temporary foreign workers are in highly skilled, well-paying jobs from Canada’s best allies and the...
May 15, 2014 | Press Room
Responding to Liberal motion It’s been less than two weeks since Liberal MHA Cathy Bennett first set foot in the House of Assembly, but she’s already wrung a commitment for more provincial regulation over temporary foreign workers out of the Progressive Conservative...
Apr 27, 2014 | Press Room
The Temporary Foreign Worker program is critically important to restaurant operators in select regions of Canada, where they have no other staffing options for their businesses. Unfortunately, several myths and generalizations about the program are circulating due to...