Unprecedented Partnerships with Industry to Drive Jobs and Growth in Newfoundland and Labrador

May 9, 2017 | Press Room

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Industries with growth potential will now work with ministers across government to address development needs via a new Cabinet Committee on Jobs. The Honourable Dwight Ball, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, established the committee today, which will engage industry in joint decision making aimed at stimulating new business activity and creating new private sector jobs for residents throughout the province.

The committee comprises:

  • the Premier;
  • the Minister of Finance;
  • the Minister of Advanced Education, Skills, and Labour;
  • the Minister of Fisheries and Land Resources;
  • the Minister of Health and Community Services;
  • the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Environment;
  • the Minister of Natural Resources; and
  • the Minister of Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation.

In keeping with the Provincial Government’s commitment to foster an environment where business can excel, government will pursue new actions in collaboration with industry. These actions will address opportunities and challenges specific to those sectors, and achieve the economic targets outlined in The Way Forward. Government and sector decision-makers will jointly launch these actions at “industry summits.” The first two industries government will partner with will be agriculture and aquaculture, with other industries to follow. Indigenous governments and organizations, and groups advancing diversity and inclusion will be provided opportunity to engage in the development of work plans.

The Cabinet Committee on Jobs is one of a number of economic initiatives included in The Way Forward vision. Achieving the targets outlined in the vision will support approximately 14,000 person years of employment annually in the province.


“Creating jobs for Newfoundlanders and Labradorians is key to improving our economy and achieving our vision of a stronger province. Through this committee, we will pursue opportunities and remove barriers in partnership with industry, and foster the economic activity we need to make our province an ideal place to live, work, and raise a family.”
Honourable Dwight Ball
Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador

“This government knows how much the agriculture sector can contribute to the economy, especially in rural areas, and is taking action to support our growth. Making crown lands more accessible, converting the Wooddale Tree Nursery into a Centre for Agriculture and Forestry Development, and working with us via this committee speaks to a long-term vision that sees agriculture growing economic success here at home.”
Merv Wiseman
President of the Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Agriculture

“Each job within the provincial aquaculture industry supports the creation of more than three additional employment opportunities elsewhere in processing, transportation, service and supply – making our industry an ideal economic driver for rural coastal communities, and the province as a whole. We look forward to partnering with the Provincial Government to realize the full potential of our industry through sustainable, responsible development, and we appreciate this increased level of industry engagement.”
Mark Lane
Executive Director of the Newfoundland Aquaculture Industry Association

“Food First NL applauds efforts to increase food production in this province that will create a vibrant local food economy and reduce our reliance on outside food sources. These critical steps will help to build a stronger food system and improve access to and availability of healthy food for communities across Newfoundland and Labrador.”
Kristie Jameson
Executive Director of Food First NL

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Learn More
The Way Forward – thewayforward.gov.nl.ca

Follow us on Twitter: @GovNL

Media contacts
Michelle Cannizzaro
Office of the Premier

Merv Wiseman
Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Agriculture

Mark Lane
Newfoundland Aquaculture Industry Association

Kristie Jameson
Food First NL

Source: http://www.releases.gov.nl.ca